The Feeling Better - Gambling Addiction & Spiritual Warfare

034 - Chapter 3: The Imbalance of Self-Importance

Maria Simon Season 1 Episode 34

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In this episode, I'm reading from my new book, "Imbalance: The Addict's Guide to Fixing Our Broken Lives." This week is Chapter 3, The Imbalance of Self-Importance, or "Know Your Role." In this episode, I share the deepest, most intimate and personal story. I was finally able to dissect the real reason why I fell into a gambling addiction, and I break down the raw, hard truth of it. And I also share a crazy scary story about a spiritual demon attack that happened to me while my hubby and I were on a camping trip the summer I started gambling. You don't want to miss this episode. It's a juicy one!  I pray it helps you this week, and going forward in your life. 

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